Honed by journalism. Published by four traditional houses. And certified by one of the gnarliest coach training programs on the planet. I know the way words work on the page. It’s about cadence and voice. Emotion and conviction. Story and song.
This work will change you.
I am story coach, writing instructor, editor and somatic coach all rolled into one. The written word is my discipline and my gift. Over the years, I’ve helped authors break into print and win awards. Been a finalist for the BC & Yukon Book Prizes, too, with a book I wrote for an IMAX film (that was a stoke).
By the age of seven, I knew books were it. At 17, I was a fierce journaler and poet, and had been appointed editor of the school newspaper. I went to uni, trained as a teacher, and taught in K-12, writing all the while. I wrote freelance for magazines, pitched a few lousy picture books and got rejected for all of them, stepped away from teaching to raise my boys, and wrote like a demon in the quiet hours. In 2008 I went pro, landing a contract with the Royal BC Museum that enabled me to shift into writing full-time.
I published my first book in 2010 (fiction) and followed it with 14 more (both fiction and nonfiction). As a speaker and teacher, I’ve shared the world of books and writing with all ages, from kindergarteners to high schoolers to college-level classes.
Over the decades as a freelancer, I wrote and edited a pretty wild variety of materials—from Coast Guard manuals and fashion websites to annual reports and articles about rolling papers. And bedbugs. And how to sucker people into buying those last-minute impulse items as they’re pulling out their card to tap. It was…edifying.
Freelancing was chaotic, hair-pulling work, and while it enabled me to provide for my children, it didn’t allow for a great deal of flow. I yearned for something more creative and heart-centered, but the paying work seemed to just carry me farther and farther away.
But you know, that universe knows what it’s doing.
Over time, the freelance work had added website development and content marketing into my folio. I couldn’t see at the time that the cosmos was schooling my ass in web UX (user experience) so I could gain a superior understanding of the reader experience. Web UX takes notes from video game UX. It’s all about keeping the user / player engaged, curious, moving, thinking, feeling.
In parallel, readers come to books to be swept away. Absorbed. Merged. That’s a challenging state to get a reader into—but it’s the state humans can’t get enough of. Think about the books that have laid you out, made you ugly cry, pissed you off so hard you had to go eat a sleeve of Tums. That is ART. And art…takes work.
A book is nothing if not a demanding exercise in designing a kickass UX.
In 2019, a publisher asked whether I would help one of his authors get their book written. The writer was deep in the weeds with content that had made for an impressive documentary on CBC and BBC, but they had no structural framework for writing a book. That was the first assignment that saw me coaching rather than editing.
In 2020, I took on another coaching assignment, helping one of my longtime clients capture their wisdom on the page.
By 2021, I’d decided I was all in on this pivot. I formalized my commitment by pursuing certification with Author Accelerator—a mark of distinction and competence in a complex, volatile industry. Today I hold certifications in both fiction and nonfiction—one of just a handful such coaches worldwide.
As what’s called an “editorial” book coach, I work at both the story and line level. My writers learn and practice a LOT of craft along the way to putting their books into the world. If you ride with me, we read and use your favourite authors as models to noticeably improve your own writing. We dig deep with examples, practice, and loads of discussion. I keep you in that zone of proximal development, where you’re just outside your comfort zone enough to be learning, but not enough to be floundering.
And we find your voice—that elusive, hard-to-articulate-but-you-know-it-when-you-hear-it thing that makes your writing jump off the page.
I’m also a certified Big Leap coach, deeply trained in somatic and emotional processing, and steadied by years of philosophical study. I hold degrees in Education and Psychology, both of which help me teach, coach and understand my writers—and their readers.
Writing a book is a commitment not unlike starting a business. It’s huge work. It’s hard work. It’s some of the most satisfying work there is. And I stand in awe of you for undertaking it—because I get it.
As your book coach, I’m a seasoned companion on this road. One who’s walked the road lots of times before, long familiar with its potholes and soft shoulders, its sun-baked asphalt and unexpected forks.
Writing with a coach is intensely personal one-to-one work that lasts for months, if not years. There’s no other experience like it. And we travel every inch of the road together. You’ll discover more about your beliefs—and about yourself—than you knew was there.
Here’s who I love working with:
people who are aiming for publication with the Big 5 houses, and are ready to put in the work required to make it through the pinhole
beginning writers with an appetite to learn and improve
experienced writers who want to get off the midlist and onto the awards lists
writers who seek maximum social / societal reach, and know the only way to achieve this is by honing their craft to deliver their message with massive impact (this applies to fiction AND nonfiction AND memoir alike)
people who take deadlines seriously
those who understand that quality takes time, and that a book isn’t a quick-turn project.
As an Author Accelerator certified book coach, I am qualified to coach writers using Author Accelerator's strategy, methods, and materials, but I operate independently of Author Accelerator and am not directly affiliated with the business.
There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.
— Ernest Hemingway
“Working with Alex as my book coach has been an incredible experience. She guided me through the often daunting query process and helped me craft a tailored agent strategy that perfectly aligns with my goals. Because of her years of knowledge of the publishing industry I really trusted her feedback. Alex embraced my vision and her insightful feedback and personalized approach have been invaluable, making the entire process feel uniquely customized to me and my book. I couldn't have asked for a better mentor on this journey.”
Daphne Gordon, writing coach & professional writer
Writer and book coach Daphne Gordon
“You are an amazing editor. Your skills, both as coach and as editor, made all the difference with me.”
Sean Rodman, bestselling author
“I’ve read all the new material now—wow, what a completely different book it is! I think you’ve done an incredible job. The overview is such a clear statement of intent, and the structure is brilliant—love those three parts. There are some scenes which are so powerful they really stick with me.”
Rachel Mills, agent & director, Rachel Mills Literary (to one of my clients)
“I get what needs to happen with this book now and it is really all because of your reading and notes. It's certainly going to be a better book. But beyond that, what I've learned from going through this has changed the way I think through everything I'm writing AND how I'm teaching writing.”
Jeff Ross, bestselling YA author
“I chose Alex first because of her "tough love" approach (and then the "arms crossed" photo scared me!) I found she was as exacting of herself and the quality of her feedback as she was of me. And, ultimately, I felt seen.
“Working with Alex gave me a more flexible perspective on "the story." I learned that tweaking just one of the 14 Blueprint answers required adjustments throughout the entire Blueprint. I had not fully understood that these 14 questions represented 14 interdependent concepts.
“After each session, I carefully reviewed my answers and made adjustments, sometimes even rewriting them entirely. I discovered many different ways to tell a story. I still have a long way to go, but I have a new awareness of what I must do to be a successful storyteller.”
Carol Maker, EMDR therapist & anger specialist
“This has been a time-consuming effort for you and a great gift for me. I am pleased you engaged so deeply with the story and the characters. I felt you really understand them and their courageous lives. It’s what I need to start writing again, as with your help, I see the many gaps.”
First-time writer of a historical fiction saga
The inclination to write a book is exciting—and then immediately daunting. Plain and simple. I sensed that I had a body of work and perspective that is valuable and that a book might be the best way to pull it all together and send this thinking out to the world. But writing a book isn’t just writing (which is daunting enough!). It’s about the design of your thinking, the business of a rapidly evolving publishing industry and a deep inner journey of discovery. PLUS the writing.
I knew that I needed someone to navigate this all with—both the external and the internal journey. I needed someone who a) knows and understands the territory of publishing a book and b) has the patience, intuition and understanding that my process for getting this done will be unique, intensive and fraught with all kinds of twists and turns.
That is a rare combination. Alex Van Tol is a rare find.
Alex has held a belief with me (and sometimes for me) that this book would be very, very special. With that belief, a certain set of actions are required. Alex worked with me rigorously on the outline of my book to understand the reader’s experience in each chapter: what they will feel, discover and come to know. This methodical development of the arc has been invaluable. It has allowed me to write into whatever chapter I feel like writing, knowing what it will connect from and to.
An experienced writer gave me a heads-up from the outset that writing a book would mean I would feel totally and utterly lost at sea. At the time, it seemed a bit melodramatic and unnecessarily negative. I am so grateful that he gave me that heads-up. I think I may have quit if he hadn’t told me that. His warning allowed me to be honest about wherever I am—and Alex was the person I could be honest with. Self-doubt, procrastination, dead ends and confusion are inevitable. The intention to write a book must be paired with paying attention to the journey. Alex never judges or pulls punches. And clarified next steps are always worth taking.
One of the great gifts my life has been blessed with is the chance to work with a collection of world-renowned coaching practitioners during periods of my life when I was in well over my head. My standard for coaching is ridiculously high—even unfairly high—because of this. These include coaches like Tim Gallwey, Barry Ayre, Liz Coffey, Robert Henderson, Mark Bell, Peter Hill….and Alex Van Tol.
Alex’s coaching practice is focused, steady and honest. Her expertise in creating a book is thorough, robust and discerning. She has an ability to go with me, intuitively, to wherever I need to go and use our discovery to make my book better and better and better.
You wouldn’t climb Everest without a guide. If you want to write a book that the world needs, build Alex Van Tol into your plan and your budget. Honour your creativity by allowing yourself to be accompanied by someone who will elicit the best in you and your creation.
Ian Chisholm, Founder, Roy Group
Ian Chisholm, Founder, Roy Group
I have never thought of myself as a writer and lacked the confidence and knowledge to go about beginning a manuscript on my own. Alex's knowledge of the industry and talent with writing gave me the confidence to start on a very large writing project, knowing that I would be supported, encouraged and advised along the way.
Completing the book framework is a step I wouldn't have taken on my own. It helped me to fully understand how my book would take shape before I got started with writing. Alex gently nudges me to lean on my framework during the writing process when I start to get a little lost in the weeds and it helps me to make sure I stay on track with my intended outcome.
Talking with Alex about some of the challenges and insecurities that I've experienced during writing has been really helpful. I feel like I am not alone and she has helped to create practical solutions to help me move through roadblocks and encouraged me to get creative with my writing approach.
Alex is a thoughtful, encouraging and knowledgeable coach. She loves what she does and it shows in her approach. She is the perfect balance of cheerleader and taskmaster. She supports the work I'm doing and also challenges me to stretch and grow at my learning edges.
I would not be producing the work I am without having Alex as my book coach. Without Alex along for my writing journey, it may not be a journey at all! Which makes it an incredibly high value partnership for me.
Adele Fraser, Leadership & Team Coach, SageBear Leadership Development
Adele Fraser, leadership & team coach, Sagebear